Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

The client will be billed only for time spent, prorated in quarter-hour increments and invoiced via email on a bimonthly basis. All projects will be approved by client before they are initiated. In the event that the scope of work or requirements are altered during the course of the development of this project, the total cost of the project may be different from the estimates. Client will be alerted in advance if project work will exceed estimate. Schedule of deliverables will be finalized at initiation of each project. Upon agreed payment, all work that the Seven Layer Media completes is property of the client. The client has rights to request all files at any point in the process. Upon the request of the files, all files will be transferred via Google Drive or via SFTP within 3 business days. The client gives Seven Layer Media the option to display all work completed for the client on their website and print portfolio. Except as noted above, the quoted fee does not include Seven Layer Media’s out of pocket expenses, including without limitation expenses for duplicating, courier or overnight delivery services. Client agrees to reimburse Seven Layer Media for all such expenses incurred in connection with the performance of the services outlined in this estimate. All fees and costs are subject to applicable taxes. All amounts not paid within 30 days of the invoice date shall be subject to an interest charge of 1.5% per month until paid. Client shall pay all costs and reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by Seven Layer Media in collecting or attempting to collect any amount due under this Estimate.